In Progress: A Trivial Mistake

I found out something today that means I’m going to have to swap out two cells in Canterbury Commons.


“The barbers of former times were also surgeons and dentists. In addition to haircutting, hairdressing, and shaving, barbers performed surgery, bloodletting and leeching, fire cupping, enemas, and the extraction of teeth. Thus they were called barber surgeons, and they formed their first organization in 1094.[1] The barber pole red and white in spiral indicated the two crafts, surgery in red and barbering in white.” – Wikipedia

I had assumed the red-and-white striped pole outside what I had labelled a general store was some reference to candy. Now I’m noticing those poles everywhere! And, yes, always outside a gentlemen’s hairdresser. I’ll now swap over the barber shop and general store locations so that they can inhabit the correct buildings.

Just a small example of how the best laid modding plans can be unsettled by real life …

German version of The Holiday Mod

German modder Clover and friends have uploaded a German translation of The Holiday Mod for Morrowind.

Download it here